I have recently moved to Melbourne with Mr Syu and with the extra time we have and our love for food we've been wandering around to many places recommended by other amazing bloggers or fellow friends to satisfy our ever changing cravings. So I thought, why not share our thoughts to people and provide an extra opinion to all those who may have came across a review and needed second opinion with pictures to see for themselves? I personally look at multiple blogs before I choose the place I want to try with Mr Syu.
On top of wanting to try out all the excellent dishes and cuisines out there, where I won't be able to cook myself, Mr Syu and I have been cooking at home alot more. I guess moving to a new place, with less friends and alot more extra time to kill we've been experimenting more in the kitchen. Personally, I'm not an excellent cook, in fact I will label myself as an 'Amatuer'. My love for cooking has increased immensely over the recent years and I think it due to the feeling you get when people appreciate your food. There is a very corny saying but I have to admit its true.
" When you cook from the heart, the people you cook for will taste it"
I'm sure there a many young ladies like me in their early twenties that would like to pick up the art of cooking but our skills are limited. So I'm thinking why not share the home cooking recipe that I use, because if I can cook it, all of you can DEFINITELY do it, if not better! ( I am a girl that used to fail to cook a instant noodle properly but after the last 3 years of learning to cook and cooking for Mr Syu the perfectionist - I am proud to say I've shed that label)
The recipes Mr Syu and I uses may not be all "from scratch" and at times will use instant sauces or already made product. But at least I can share the brands for these instant products that tastes good. Being a typical Gen - Y our high expectation but love for convenience dictates what we eat alot of the time (Generally end up ordering take away) . So coming back from a long day of work you want to cook something easy, but still gives you the feeling of eating a healthy home cook meal.
So these are the reasons for this blog, and hopefully people will like what we post and I will love to hear feedbacks and advices and recommendations from the more experienced so I can continually improve my cooking and seek out more places to try.
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